Best non-fiction of 2023 You Should Read

Fiction might take you into fantastical realms filled with surreal moments weaved with beautiful stories. But Non-fiction touches the reality that exists under our feet. Non-fiction enlightens people whether in the form of self-help or the form of decades-spanning memoir. Here are the best non-fiction of 2023 that You should look into.

9.How Not To Kill Yourself

How not to kill yourself
AUTHORClancy Martin
GENRENon-fiction, Mental health, Psychology

As the title suggests the Author drags you into his trauma of experiencing a suicidal attempt with a dog leash.

As his philosophical journey combines with literature and alcohol, he defines the usual thought of a self-destructive person.

He shares his tale of ten suicide attempts and some of his fellow writers. Deep thinking and philosophy represent an underlying experience who have tried the same.

No one can articulate the thoughts and pain of a suicidal mind unless someone experiences one.

This book is a perfect blend of memoir, philosophy, the influence of art, and a poetic journey. If you had a taste of destructive insights, you would have nothing but “aha” moments while reading.

8.Without A Doubt

Without a Doubt
AUTHORSurbhi Sarna
GENRENon-fiction, Leadership, Biography
PUBLISHERSimon Schuster

This book explores the story of author and entrepreneur “Surbhi Sarna” as she shares her adventure of leading a team to build a life-restoring medical device for ovarian cancer which was later on valued at 275 million dollars.

Without an MBA, without any connection, she ventures into the world and haunts for her chance to deliver.

With her own real-world experience, she shares pieces of motivation not to be drawn back by your setbacks, but to empower yourself and lead compassionately.

Her compelling story inspires many regardless of gender and reflects the ups and downs of start-ups. For anyone initiating a business or startup, this one is the right pick for quick motivation.

7.Womb: The Inside Story of Where We All began

womb the inside story
AUTHORLeah Hazard
GENRENon-fiction, Science, Feminism

The magical organ Uterus which holds the power to bring life to this world is the most un-researched organ in the human body.

Beautifully researched and woven into this book, the author shares the opinions of various women alongside a Californian doctor who is inclined toward a period-free life for women.

It surfaces the history of the uterus and, the struggles of the present day. The book further explores sections of the Uterus, Conception, Periods, Pregnancy, Labour, Loss, cesarean, and menopause. Despite your gender, it provides insights into the uterus where we all began.

6.On Getting out of Bed

On getting out of bed
AUTHORAlan Noble
GENRENon-fiction, Mental health, Counselling

A life full of despair, sorrow, and pain leads to a mind full of battles and each mundane is treated as a war.

The easiest task may seem the hardest one like getting out of bed. In this book, Alan Noble penned down a letter like a buddy to his readers who endured the same pain, and same sadness in each of the moments of their cursed lives.

This book brings you a gut-wrenching honest conversation with a friend. Throughout the book, Noble raises a hope why you should get out of bed and live your life. The honest and transparent book about anxiety is a must-read.

5.The Art Thief

best non-fiction of 2023
AUTHORMichael Finkel
GENRENon-fiction, Art, True Crime

What if a thief steals the artwork, not to sell it on an online platform or any black market to earn millions but rather to observe the painting just because of his obsessive nature towards Art?

 Stephane Breitiviser is regarded as the world’s most prolific art thief to exist till this time. He had stolen 239 priceless works worth two billion dollars. He along with his girlfriend Katherine from all over Europe from 1995 to 2001.

Stephane believed the art was safe under his scrutiny rather than the museums. His obsession and flawed genius mind serve this book with a light read and a perception of his vast life around the robberies.

4.The Best Minds

The best minds
AUTHORJonathan Rosen
GENRENon-fiction, Memoir, Psychology
PUBLISHERPenguin Press

This non-fiction memoir embarks the readers on a journey of the Author’s childhood closest friend Michael Laudor.

The investigation of the author depicts the tragedy of his childhood friend suffering from schizophrenia. Michael as referred to in the book “The best minds” was a scholar.

After graduating he landed a job in consulting and suffered the psychotic challenges. He was stranded in a psychiatric hospital for eight months, at that moment he learned despite his mental disorder he was accepted into Yale Law School.

Immediately after he became the sensation, proving everyone wrong he graduated but soon after he stabbed the love of his life while she was pregnant. This memoir is a must-read and one of the best non-fiction of 2023.

3.Women We Buried, Women We Burned

women we buried women we  burned
AUTHORRachel Louise Snyder
GENRENon-fiction, Memoir, Biography
PUBLISHERBloomsbury Publishing

A memoir from a brave woman who lost his mother at the age of eight to breast cancer in 1979.

As her father renowned himself into the beliefs of the Evangelical church she writes down, “I lost my mother to cancer and my father to religion.” Since her father remarried, her rebellious act revolted against her father’s disciplinary actions and strong belief in the church.

She survives in her car in her teenage to travelling across Cambodia, India, and many more to become a reporter. Her grief and unimaginable suffering are reflected in this memoir.

2.Thinning Blood

thinning bloods
AUTHORLeah Myers
GENRENon-fiction, Memoir, Biography

Think of yourself as the last blood of a generation what would you do?

The author Leah Myers exhibits her native tribal lineage and her thinning blood started from her great-grandmother as she married a Russian.

This book displays her four generations with a concept of a totem pole with spirit animals for every person. starting with her Great grandmother presented by the spirit of a bear. Her grandmother represented salmon followed by her mother with hummingbird and she as a raven.

This book describes the struggle of being a native American, neither accepted by their people nor accepted by the white people.

1.A Living Remedy

A living remedy
AUTHORNicole Chung
GENRENon-fiction, Memoir, Biography

The grief of losing parents due to medical system failures is immeasurable.

As Nichole Chung describes her journey born premature to Korean parents but left to be adopted by an American family.

Hailing from a middle-class family as her adoptive father struggled in multiple restaurants for a job, for a higher education she acquired a scholarship and shifted far from home.

The unexpected diabetes of her father turns into kidney failure leading to his death. her mother soon to be diagnosed with cancer.

Losing her parents in a short period due to medical facilities, her anger, her grief, and her struggle with being an Asian American could break your heart easily.


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